This project dubbed “Ardhi yetu haki yetu” is an ongoing program initiated by Coast Education Centre (COEC) together with Mombasa Local Urban Forum (MLUF) in partnership with County Government of Mombasa, Department of Land, Planning and Housing to develop a proposed Mombasa County Land Policy which will guide, direct and assist in addressing land administration and Management including its alienation, registration, transfer, use and or investment. Majority of Mombasa residents continue to live with the pain and consequences of historical land injustices. The residents have suffered through squatting, informal settlements, improper land allocation system, absence of efficient rates collection methods and strategies, outdated land plans, lack of supervision in the implementation of the by-laws related to land.
The project managed to raise the level of awareness and encourage the public within Mombasa County to exercise their obligation to engage with governance and management affairs through the legitimate citizens fora provided for in law.